Order of Worship – January 12th
Opening Video
Opening Song: Because He Lives
Call to Worship: Psalm 111: 1-5 – Kelsie Doller
Song: Whom Shall I Fear?
Song: Lead Me to the Cross
Mutual Greeting (252 Kids Dismissed to Class)
Announcements & Congregational Prayer - Rich DeVries
Offertory – I Thank God
Message: “A Resolute Unwavering Faith” –
Colossians 1: 9-14 - Pastor Eric Thiessen
Closing Song: How Great Thou Art
Communion Preparatory
Doxology: How Great Thou Art
After the worship service concludes, all are welcome to join us in the church Lobby for a time of fellowship and refreshment. Youth (6th-10th grade) will be meeting in the classroom under the stairs for Catechism class.
January Second Offering Schedule:
12th – Sussex Christian School 19 – Faith Promise 26 – Cadets
This Week:
- Monday, Janaury 13th – 11:30am Funeral Service for Bill Stap
- Monday, January 13th – 7pm Women’s Stitch or Chat
- Tuesday, January 14th – 7pm GEMS & Cadets Kid’s Club
- Wednesday, January 15th – 10am Coffee Break in Church Lobby
- Thursday, January 16th – 7pm Prayer Meeting / Elders to Follow
- Friday, January 17th – 6:30pm Spanish Bible Study
Upcoming Events:
- January 19th - Pastor Willie Vaughan Preaching
- January 23rd – 7:30pm Youth Group (Grades 8-12)
- January 26th – Cadet’s Sunday
- January 27th – 7pm Deacon’s Meeting
Please join the family of Bill Stap as we mourn the loss and celebrate his life. Visitation will be held Sunday, January 12th from 2pm-5pm at Millspaugh Funeral Home (22 Bank Street, Walden, NY 12586). The funeral service will be on Monday, January 13th at 11:30am at Goshen Christian Reformed Church.
If anyone is available to provide food for the luncheon following the service, please see Alice Van De Weert or reach out to Alice at (973) 390-6306 or (845) 355-1137.
Adult Sunday School will begin a new session TODAY after refreshements. We will be looking at a study by Matt Chandler on the 23rd Psalm. All are welcome! Please see Jim or Lori DeBlock if you have any questions; or, complete a Connection Card and an Elder or Deacon will put you in touch.
Goshen CRC would like to welcome Parker Joseph Arnold & Kasey Leo Arnold - God is good! Congratulations to parents, Tyler & Kayla! To help welcome these new little ones, we’ve placed a bassinet in the narthex to fill with diapers, wipes and other baby items.
New Year, New Directory! The time has come for a new Church Directory as we have had an abundance of new families join us. We are requesting each member to submit their name, address, phone number (home and/or cell), email address, children’s names and provide a family photo. Please complete a Directory Form (locatd in the back of church) or you can scan the QR code to submit information and upload a photo. Information can also be submitted via email to [email protected]. Any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Britanni Gaucher or Kelsie Doller, or complete the Connection Card and an Elder or Deacon will put you in touch.
Sussex Christian School located at 51 Unionville Avenue in Sussex, will be having an Open House on Tuesday, January 14 beginning at 6:30 pm. SCS offers classes for Preschool 3 through 8th grades. There will be a chance to explore the campus and learn more about their Christ-centered curriculum. They will also share information about their school community, why they love parent involvement, and how they help make Christian education affordable for all families. Although not required to attend, they do ask for those coming to register at: Campus Visits - Sussex Christian School. If you have any questions, please contact the school at 973-875-5595 ext. 232.
Nursery Staff:
January 12th Lauren Weber & Gencina Vitoulis
January 19th Kim DeVries & Taylor DiMartino
January 26th Christine LaFrance & Rebecca Finnegan
February 2nd Jolene Larsen & Girls
Coffee Hour:
January 12th Doug & Marci Wade
January 19th Dan & Christine LaFrance
January 26th Scott & Alice VanDeWeert
February 2nd Skyler & Kimberly Gove