Sunday Morning Worship
Beginning at 9:30am

Order of Worship – October 6th

Opening Video
 Opening Song: Redeeming King
Call to Worship: Psalm 103: 13-18 – Kelsie Doller
 Song: Love So Great
 Song: Gratitude
Baptism of Matthew Gove (Presented by Skyler & Kimberly)
Mutual Greeting (252 Kids Dismissed to Class)
Announcements & Congregational Prayer
Offertory – You’ve Already Won
Message: “Reaching Our Community for Christ” Acts 19: 1-20
Rev. John Kuperus

Closing Song:  God of Grace and God of Glory
Preparation for the Lord’s Supper
 Doxology: God of Grace and God of Glory

After the worship service concludes, all are welcome to join us in the church Lobby for a time of fellowship and refreshment. Youth (6th-10th grade) will be meeting in the classroom under the stairs for Catechism class.

October Second Offering Schedule:

13th – Gideons 20th – Faith Promise 27th – Parking Lot Fund

This Week:

  • Monday, October 7th – 7pm Women’s Stitch or Chat
  • Tuesday, October 8th – 7pm GEMS & Cadets Kid’s Club
  • Thursday, October 10th – 7pm Council Meeting
  • Thursday, October 10th – 7:30pm Youth Group (Grades 8-12)
  • Friday, October 11th - 6:30pm Spanish Bible Study
  • Saturday, October 12th – 9am Goshen Ecumenical Food Pantry
    (located at First Presbyterian Church: 33 Park Place, Goshen, NY)

Upcoming Events: 

  • October 13th – Pastor Willie Vaughan Preaching
  • October 16th – 10am Coffee Break in Church Lobby
  • October 17th – 7pm Prayer Meeting / Elders to Follow
  • October 24th – 7:30pm Youth Group (Grades 8-12)
  • October 28th – 7pm Deacon’s Meeting

Coffee Break Bible Study for women will be meeting in the church lobby on Wednesdays this year from 10am to 11:30am. Any interested women are welcome to join. See Jo Rowe with any questions or complete a Connection Card and an Elder or Deacon will get you in touch. Lord willing we plan to begin on Wednesday, October 16th.  

Council is happy to announce that Kelsie Doller has been approved as the new leader of the Care Team! The Care Team’s mission is to advocate for and offer care to people in need. They do this by reaching out to the sick and shut-ins, assisting with meals, offering encouragement, etc. If you have a gift of showing compassion and care and may be interested in joining the team, please stay for a meeting after the worship service on October 13th. If you have any questions, please reach out to Kelsie at 845.754.3884 or complete a Connection Card and an Elder or Deacon will put you in touch. 

Tickets are now on sale for Sussex Christian School's Harvest Dinner & Auction on Saturday, November 2! The evening starts with appetizers and a Silent Auction at 4:30 pm. A delicious buffet dinner will be served at 5:30 pm followed by the oral auction at 6:30 pm. Tickets are $25 each. (No takeout dinners available.) Seating is limited so reserve your tickets now by calling 973.875.5595 ext. 241 or emailing [email protected]. Please note that this is an adult only evening, and no childcare is provided.

Nursery Staff:

October 6th Britanni & Harleigh Gaucher
October 13th Anne Amels & Morgan Amels
October 20th Betsy & Vikki VanDerMolen
October 27th Robin Falkena & Brooke Vellenga

Coffee Hour:

October 6th Chuck & Jo Rowe
October 13th Rusty & Amanda Lundgren
October 20th Justin & Britanni Gaucher
October 27th Henry Doller